Baby J – 21 weeks



No real update this week.  Just getting bigger and enjoying feeling Baby J move around.

I’ve also just been feeling so blessed lately.  With this pregnancy and lots of other things going on in our lives.  How lucky I am to know where my blessings come from!

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

Hope everyone enjoys this three day weekend!  We have plans to get working on the basement!!

Baby J – 20 weeks!

20weeksOfficially halfway through this pregnancy!

I had two appointments this week.  One for an ultrasound and one just a regular check-up with my OB.  Both went great except that at my ultrasound, Baby J wasn’t cooperative enough to get a good picture to print out.  😦 Oh well…

We have another wedding this weekend.  It’s in West Virginia, so we have a 6 hour drive tomorrow.  I’m hoping Clark does well in his car seat for that long.  We’re probably going to stop and “picnic” for lunch, so that’ll give him some time to stretch out.  Wish us luck!!

Have a good weekend everyone!!

Baby J – 19 weeks!

19weeksWOW!!  I’m basically half-way there!  (Since I’ll have to have an early C-section).  It seems like in comparison to my pregnancy with Clark, this one is flying by!

Big news!!  I can feel Baby J moving around in there!!  Only when I’m lying down and being pretty still.  Or after I’ve had something sweet to eat or drink.  It’s such a cool feeling that reminds me how special this time is.

I’ve got a sonogram on Tuesday so next week I’ll share a picture.

We are off to a wedding this weekend and Clark is going to stay with Bob’s parents the night of so we’ll get some adult time.  Love this bugger, but I’m looking forward to a kid-free night.clark-highchairHope everyone has a great weekend!  Enjoy this beautiful weather!!!



Baby J – 18 weeks!


Still feeling great!  We scheduled our anatomy sonogram (where we would find out the gender if we chose to, but we aren’t going to).  I’m really excited just to see how much the baby has grown.

On a separate note, can you tell we rearranged some furniture in our master?  I’d love to repaint and I think I’ve finally convinced Bob to help me make an upholstered headboard.  It’s so refreshing to move furniture around. It makes the room feel brand new.  Bob and I keep commenting on how much bigger it feels now too!

I went to the Justin Timberlake/JayZ concert last night!  It was AMAZING!!  It was a girls night out and I had so much fun letting loose and dancing.  Exhausted today since we didn’t get home till after midnight, but it was well worth it!!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Baby J – 17 weeks



Nothin’ to say about the pregnancy this week.  Just the picture (which always seems to show me deceivingly smaller than I actually am – I am definitely showing!)

We have had the best time with my sister, Sally and niece, Jo staying with us this week!  My mom was here most of the time too!  They left this morning and we already miss them!!  I just loved watching these two play together!JoClark


Don’t know the next time we get to see them, but I’m SO EXCITED that Southwest is soon going to have direct flights to Memphis out of BWI.  I hope to take FULL advantage of that!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Baby J – 16 weeks, and 5 years hitched


**This post is so late because we were on family vacay!!  And now my sister and niece are staying with us for the week so I’ve been distracted by the cuteness of two toddlers playing together!

On Friday I was 16 weeks pregnant and it just so happened to also be our five year wedding anniversary!  I won’t get all mushy, except to say that I feel very blessed to be married to Bob.  We celebrated last night with a wonderful dinner at Talara while my mom and sister babysat.

As for the pregnancy, I had a check-up last Tuesday.  So far, so good.  It looks like I will have to have a C-Section again.  The doctor I spoke with is the same one who delivered Clark.  I trust him and know that they all have my safety and the baby’s safety in mind.  My reasons for needing a C-section are more than just the baby being too big.  That was part of the problem during my delivery with Clark, but it was mostly my “failure to progress” that resulted in me needing a C-section with him.  Once I started to swell, there was no way that Clark was going to fit!

I’m feeling really good still except I have been having more trouble getting comfortable at night to sleep.  My next appointment will be our ultrasound anatomy scan.  Even though we aren’t finding out the gender, I’m so excited to see how much this baby has developed!

Also, I would like to point out that apparently these pants are my Friday pants!  Oops!


Baby J – 15 weeks


We are in the second trimester!  Wow does time fly!  Can’t believe we’ve only got 25 more weeks till we become a family of 4 (+Bruno, of course!)!!

So here’s some random info about this pregnancy, etc. so far…

  • We will not be finding out the gender of the baby.  We didn’t with Clark and it was so much fun/exciting!  I’m not worried about not knowing what to buy for baby because we already have so much that we used for Clark (including plenty of gender neutral clothes for those first few weeks – hello plain white onsies!!).


  • This baby won’t be getting a room designated as his/her “nursery”.  As much as I would love to decorate another nursery like we did for Clark, we just don’t have the space or time/energy.  Our house has 3 real bedrooms upstairs, with an extra “room” in the basement (with no closet and an unfinished ceiling).  Right now, we are thinking that Clark will stay in his room and continue to sleep in his crib.  Then we will get another crib for Baby #2 and put it in what is now the guest room upstairs.  Hopefully, we can either keep the queen bed that’s in there now, or replace it with a full-sized or daybed, leaving enough sleeping options for when the grandparentsmothers visit!


  • There is a good chance that this baby will be delivered via C-section.  Clark was a week late and because he was so big (weighing in at 9 lbs. 6 oz.), I had to deliver him via C-section.  I labored for 14 hours (with an epidural…I wasn’t trying to be a hero), and he literally just didn’t fit.  I dilated to almost a 7 and then started to “go backwards”.  It was funny because he was SUCH a cone head for those first few days in the hospital.  My doctors suspect that I will probably just always have big a$$ babies, and they think they will all result in C-sections.  As of now, I’m not scheduling a C-section.  I love my doctors and we will figure things out together as baby grows (and grows and grows).


  • I have been feeling really great so far.  I didn’t have a whole lot of nausea with this pregnancy.  With Clark, I was horribly sick (especially weeks 7 – 9 while Bob and I were vacationing in Italy!).  On Saturday, we were at a wedding reception for some friends and I got really sick there, but Bob thinks I was dehydrated or something.  It was definitely a fluke because it was a one time thing and I’ve felt fine ever since.  My only “woe” would be that I’m tired.  Bob has given me a strict bedtime of 9:00pm, otherwise I fall asleep on the couch.


  • We have a Pocket Fetal Doppler and it’s AWESOME!!!  I had heard about home dopplers and told Bob how cool I thought it would be to have one.  He found one for a good price on Amazon (the link is the one we have) and surprised me with it when I was about 9 weeks along.  It took us a couple of weeks to find the heartbeat (I’d say I was about 11-12 weeks), but it’s so sweet to be able to listen to it now whenever I want.

I may not have a post with info every week, but I’d love to at least get a picture up.  I never did that when I was pregnant with Clark, and I wish I would have.

That’s it for now.  Any questions, ask them in the comments.  Have a good weekend everyone!!!


Clark’s Promotion

This kid…1-DSC03312Yes, YOU!!

You have been such a wonderful blessing for daddy and me!  So…we decided to promote you.  It took us longer than we expected because God has a different and much better plan than our’s, but we are so excited to announce that you are going to be a…

Wait!  Where’d you go?1-DSC03307

Oh! There you are!

Anyway, I was just saying…

You are going to be a…1-DSC03313Are you excited??1-DSC03300

We are too!  It is going to be so cool watching you grow into your new role.  We sent out this announcement to our parents and siblings a couple weeks ago.  They are all pretty stoked as well!BabyJ2

We are just overwhelmed with joy and thanksgiving over here at the Julius house!

**A post with more details to follow in the next week.