A Webby Welcome

Halloween is going to be here soon!!!  WOO!  I’m sooooo excited!!  I LOVE Halloween!  Costumes, candy, pumpkins, spooky decorations…

So let’s talk about decorations.  I don’t go “all-out” when it comes to decorating for any holiday.  I wish I could, I just don’t have the stuff.  But I like things to at least look festive so I work with what I have.

I saw some really cute ideas on Pinterest with ways to decorate your front door like this one:

Or this one:


So I came up with a little something of my own.

What you’ll need:

  • a door
  • black vinyl electrical tape
  • scissors
  • a spider (I got mine from the dollar section at Target)

I started with 5 support lines.  I made mine off center.Then I made the web by cutting smaller pieces of tape, starting in the middle and working my way around in a circle.Basically I kept working until I ran out of tape.  I ended up having to cut that bottom support line shorter.Then I just taped the spider I got to his web.  I just laid the pieces of tape right over the tape that was already there.  I also made sure to keep the peep hole uncovered. (One time I got reprimanded by our contractor for covering it with a wreath.)Finished product:View from outside:It was so simple and I love it. (minus the dated storm door)

And it kind of matches the spider web on our mailbox.Yes.  That is a real spider web.  Gross, I know, but we figured it fits the whole Halloween theme so we don’t have to clean it off until November, right?!?!

**I used the electrical tape because it’s black but also because it won’t chip the paint off the door when I take it down.  If you have a black or dark colored door, frog tape would probably look really cool.

Now I need to get our costumes together.  Clark’s first Halloween!!!!  Did I mention I’m excited?!?!?!