Just Keep Swimming…

(Name that movie…)

Clark and I had our first Mommy & Me swim class last night!  He has been a water baby since his first time in a pool back in May.  Since then, he has swam in pools, a lake in Texas, and even dipped his toes in the ocean while we were in Florida over the holidays.

Bob’s cousin, Dave won 6 free weeks of Mommy and Me swim classes at a silent auction back in December.  It was one of the coolest Christmas gifts we got this year!  I called them immediately and signed up for their next available session.

But first, a hilarious story from my childhood:  When we were little, my mom put my siblings and I on the swim team at our country club.  We were never any good and always just swam the exhibition races.  But it was kind of fun to go to the away meets and play cards and eat FunDip while we weren’t swimming.  Well…when I was maybe 5 or 6 years old, one meet I was placed in an exhibition 25 meter (one length of the pool) back stroke race.

I really didn’t care about winning (because I was terrible and it didn’t count anyway) and I always hated the back stroke.  For some reason, I closed my eyes during the race even though I was on my back AND had goggles on.  This meant I didn’t realize that halfway down the lane, I somehow managed to turn myself around and started swimming in the opposite direction!!  My mom said everyone was yelling, “TURN AROUND!”, but my ears were also submerged under water and I obviously only heard muffled cheering!  I reached the wall, opened my eyes to see what place I got and only then did I finally see that I was right back at the start!!  They even made me turn around again and finish!  HOW EMBARRASSING!!

Here’s hoping Clark doesn’t get MY swimming skills!

Anyway, my sister came up from Bethesda for the night last night, so she was able to come observe the lesson and (BONUS!!) take some pictures and videos!photo-38He looks like such a big boy!!!  Baywatch hunk?photo-40Ready for our lessons!!!

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And a little video…

If you ask me, I think he’s a natural!  Watch out Michael Phelps!!  Can’t wait to see how much he learns in the next 5 weeks!

P.S.  We are 95% finished with the Craigslist buffet.  Hopefully I can get the finished product posted by the end of this week.

P.P.S.  How is it possible that my baby will be ONE YEAR OLD on Friday?!?!?!