Visitors from Memphis


My older sister, Sally had a wedding Memorial Day weekend in our hometown so she and my niece, Jo, came up from Memphis for the week.  She flew in the Monday before and stayed at my parents’ house, then came down to our place from Tuesday-Wednesday.  It was such a treat to see Clark and Jo play together!  My mom, little brother, Sam, and little sister, Ellen all came too!

Tuesday was really hot, so after lunch from Applebee’s, we put the kids in their swimsuits and made a “water table” for them.  (It was just a big beverage container that we filled with water from the hose and then brought out some tupperware and plastic cups.)1-watertable

Jo is so cute and sweet, but she still has a little bit of separation anxiety (especially since she doesn’t get to see us that often.)  At one point, my sister had to take a phone call so Ellen initiated what we call “the force hold”.  Jo pretends she doesn’t like it, but “Ellen” is the only name she knows from this side of the family.  (As in, she also thinks that’s MY name! :-))  1-photo 2 1-image_11After dinner, we took some family photos since we were all together.1-DSC03198 1-DSC03201

Obviously, the kids were pretty tired so we gave them a bath and put them to bed.

Wednesday, we took the kids into the city for lunch.1-image_12

Then we headed to a park near our house for a while to let the kids wear themselves out before my mom, brother, Sally, and Jo headed back to PA.1-image_13

That Sunday was when we all met in State College, PA for our 5 generation pictures.  (And my grandmother passed away about a week and a half later.  I’ll say again how incredibly PERFECT God’s timing is!!!)  Here are some pictures I didn’t share from that day trip.clarkjostatecoll

We just loved having Sally and Jo visit us and spend the night!  We can’t wait until July when we get to see them again on our family vacation!!1-photo-44