My Two Cents

I want to use this post to review a few things that I love (maybe some time, I’ll review things I don’t so much love…).  Not that my humble opinion really matters to anyone.  I just was thinking about some things that I would put on a “favorites” list right now.

First up, my deodorant:

Dove Ultimate goFresh Energizing Antiperspirant in Grapefruit and Lemongrass


I have used this deodorant for a couple years now.  I used to use Dove’s Invisible Solid in Fresh, but I liked this scent better.  I’m a huge fan of deodorant in general.  I know…that’s weird.  When I was on my middle school basketball team, the girls actually teased me because I put so much deodorant on before our games.  I don’t know…I just feel better when it’s on.  Anyway, this deodorant smells soooo good.  In fact, when my little sister comes to visit, she usually steals a couple sticks from me for herself.  That’s okay though, because the price is great.  I get it on Amazon Subscribe and Save: $13.57 for a pack of 4.

Next we have beer:

Shiner Ruby Redbird


OMG…YUM!!!  This really is the PERFECT summer beer.  It is SO refreshing.  It’s brewed with grapefruit and ginger. Bob’s cousin, Dave, brought a six pack over to the house one night.  I had one sip and was hooked**!  Best part…so was Bob!  He went out and got two 24 packs!!  If you can find it, pick some up for your next BBQ!

**Hooked in that it’s now my favorite beer.  I’m not an alcoholic.

Favorite Summer Salad:

Caprese Salad


Note: I got this picture online.  It’s the closest to how I make it at home.

Tomato, Mozzarella, Basil, and Balsamic Vinegar (plus a little salt).  This salad is light and easy to make.  Not to mention…the basil is straight from our garden so it’s free.  Bob and I are not “tomato people”.  When we order sandwiches in restaurants, we always say, “No tomato”.  But for some reason, we are both diggin’ this salad right now.  We have it as a side for pretty much every dinner.  mmm, mmm, mmm

CD for Clark:

Muppets: The Green Album


This CD is our “getting ready music” every day.  It is made up of 12 well-known Muppet songs that are performed with a new take by contemporary artists.  Clark and I love to put it on in the morning when we are getting him dressed.  We dance around his room and sing along.  It’s so fun and I now have all the lyrics memorized.  “It’s time to put on music, It’s time to light the lights…”

And now…the obligatory photo of my main man!!

Love him SO MUCH!!